1 / Equity4Women Toolkit
Everything you need as a woman in the creative and entertainment industries. This is an intersectional, inclusive resource and may also have useful information for those who don’t identify as women.
2 / Arts Against Harassment - Stellar Quines
Support for the theatre community to recognise and speak out against sexual harassment. The information and guidance shared on these pages are Stellar Quine's contribution to the collective effort to create safer creative environments for all.
3 / Federation of Scottish Theatre + HIPA
FST continues to work with its members and partners to help address issues of sexual harassment and abuse in our sector.
On this page, you’ll find details of:
the Harassment in Performing Arts (HiPA) working group,
Stellar Quines’ Sexual Harassment in the Performing Arts campaign
a specially commissioned guidance note on Sexual Harassment in the workplace,
Advice and Helplines and Information and Resources.